Today’s word Joyrider – reminds me of the first-ever Album I’ve received as a child, a cassette from Roxette. Joyride was not my favorite song of it, but I still remember listening to the song many times and trying to make sense of the lyrics ;-)

The longer I’m working on my CPU design, the more I come to realize how simplified my understanding of how a CPU works actually is. Yes, I know how an ALU works and how to decode an instruction. But the moment you try to actually design your own architecture and add some nice features like function calling or interrupt, the hardware complexity explodes.

How do you answer this question from your child: it is illogical that we have an infinite amount of numbers but not infinite characters in the alphabet.

A lot of chaos in my life right now. And there is not much I can actively do against it.

I just released a new subjection for my book reading log: Series. It still needs to be filled with all the content but that will take some time. 📚I hope this subpage allows me to better track which series I still need to finish reading.

I watched “Mein Blind Date mit dem Leben”. I very much liked this movie. Unfortunately, it is only available in German. A young man starts an apprenticeship in a hotel without telling anybody that he is nearly blind. I liked the pacing of the movie and the friendship between the two main characters.

Had another go at Docker on the Pi. I managed to install it now and add it to my network. Now I’m struggling with setting up an MQTT Broker :-(

So good but also so fear and anger-inducing at the same time.


Last year Chris had an accident at work and was exposed to HIV. As a doctor not regularly working with HIV, he realized he didn't know much about what life with HIV looks like presently. He set out to learn about modern treatments and the psychosocial stigmas around HIV, while battling with his health insurance company and waiting for his results.

Chris Finds Out If He Has HIV - Short Film (via

And the CPU got more complex once again. I just realized that I need more state and hardware to support my interrupt.
Perhaps I should start removing features oO

And the CPU got more complex once again. I just realized that I need more state and hardware to support my interrupt. Perhaps I should start removing features oO

The person is covered with bruised and lacerations, most of them fresh. In a low voice, he whispers, “beware the porks.” And drops over, Hans is not sure if he died or is just unconscious – but it does not matter at this point as his chances to survive his injuries is rather small.

Giving up on setting up HyperiotOS on my Raspy Zero. I’m just not able to get wifi to work :-(

It somehow always the same when I try to do DevOps – nothing wants to work :-(