Hello there, you have found the internet home of me. I’m called V or Chris – whatever fits better.
This page contains my microblog (and blog), where I post small things happening in my life. I’m a software developer by day and a tinkerer by night.
You can find out some more details about me and my favorite past times in the following sections.
Book Reading
Reading books is a significant pastime for me. Some of my most liked books are Jumper, the Harry Potter series, The Wheel of Time, and A Song of Ice and Fire.
In the “Reading” section of this page, you find the current book I’m reading at the moment. And a list of past books I’ve read with my reviews and thoughts about them.
Listed here are links to my posts collecting the book reviews per year:
- Books read in 2024 written on 31. December 2024
- Books read in 2023 written on 31. December 2023
- Books read in 2022 written on 31. December 2022
- Books read in 2021 written on 31. December 2021
- Books read in 2020 written on 31. December 2020
- Books read in 2019 written on 31. December 2019
- Books read in 2018 written on 31. December 2018
Programming Languages
The first programming language I used was QBasic before I was a teenager. A long phase of HyperTalk followed this in my HyperCard phase. Later I switched to RealBasic (I think that is now called XOJO). When I started my university career, I turned to Java. And today, I mostly use ObjC or Swift and a combination of Javascript with different Frameworks.
I like to spend my time designing and building furniture. Or thinker with electronics. I like projects at the intersection of wood and electronics. And am still dreaming of building my CPU one day (see 8/16 cpu).
In 2018 I started a Youtube Channel to document my making projects. The channel is inactive, but all the projects are recorded on the accompanying homepage: i-make.xyz.
I’m still doing small projects when I’m in the mood, but I don’t regularly document them with an entire blog post right now.
I’m an avid listener of podcasts, some of my favorites are: Cortex, flashforwardpod, Ungeniused, ATP and The History of English Podcast.
Musicals are an art form I like very much. But I did not manage to see so many in real life so far. It takes quite a while until they are performed here in Switzerland, and traveling to London to watch one is a bit too much ;-). I consume these primarily through Musical Movies, like “The Greatest Showman” or “Dreamgirls,” or listen to the soundtrack.
A list of the musicals I’ve written about:
- written on 6. April 2024
- written on 5. March 2024
- written on 17. October 2023
- written on 7. June 2021
- written on 14. February 2021
- Les Misérables written on 26. January 2020
- Thoughts about the Book of Mormon Musical written on 23. December 2019
Homepage History
This page has seen many iterations. Right now you look at the six version of it. The following blog post: Homepage History (v1-v6) gives some further details.