Review of Under a Tell-Tale Sky

I just finished reading Under a Tell-Tale Sky: After the EMP (Disruption Trilogy Book 1) by R.E. McDermott.📚This book was another Amazon proposal, and I quite liked it.

The story starts just before a significant solar eruption hits the earth destroying the complete power grid on most of the planet. It then shows the actions of multiple groups in North America how they try to survive in this post-apocalyptic world.

The book introduces quite a lot of characters, and it is sometimes a bit hard to don’t mix them up. Overall I liked most of them and can relate to the motivation they have. Mostly survive and get home to the family. And then we have the ones who are trying to grab some power as well :-)

The book reminds me quite a lot to Dies the Fire (A Novel of the Change, Band 1) by S. M. Stirling. It is a bit less concentrated on big scale military strategy and battles, about which I’m happy.


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